Hello World!

Good day fellow food loving friends and welcome to the Shedhouse Farm con-textual outlet for sharing the explorations into low travel and low waste foods that have been sourced wholely from sustainable sources that practice farming activities that enrich the earth rather than destroy it, preserving the abundant nutrients using natural processes that improve the availability and uptake of beneficial properties to create funky products that look awesome, taste amazing and are good for your gut, mind and soul.

Food that’s real, food that’s alive.

There will also be a bit of farm life, homesteady stuff and bits and pieces of information around the food that we are producing (and eating) and why we do things the way we do. We may even throw up the odd recipe now and then!

If you are reading this, it means we have products available on our shop that you can buy (or can buy soon if not just yet…) so that you can taste what we are talking about. If you have already got some of our products, you will be able to find out more about the things behind those products here on the blog, to give you a bit more insight than what you will see on the product pages and social media.

We have been posting on Instagram and Facebook as we progress the various things, so there’s a little bit of back story on there and we have a fine about page with some of the more core info about ourselves and the place.

So please subscribe to the social medias, take a look at what we’re currently pulling out of the ground and acquiring locally to make small batch products that have been preserved using natural processes, time, love and all done on-site. We look forward to sharing the journey with you.